#We add value

Integral solutions for seed and legume processing.


LS Electromecánica is a company with 100% national capitals, which is positioned as the leading provider in Argentina of solutions for the Conditioning, Classification and Treatment of Seeds and Legumes. We have a large production plant, located in the Bragado Industrial Park, Buenos Aires, with state-of-the-art equipment.

Integral Solutions

Seed treatment equipment, drying tunnels, suction systems, hoppers, conveyor belts, among others.

We add value together

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Integral solutions for seed and legume processing.

    IN ARGENTINA - National Route N ° 5 Km. 210 | Bragado Industrial Park, Bs. As. Tel / Fax: +54 2342-426059 | 2342-426093 | 2342-421690
    IN BRAZIL - R. ALMERINDA SILVEIRA COELHO 6773 Cell: +55 (44) 99818-7930 CEP 87035-497 MARINGA - PR