Silmar Teichert Peske - silmar@seednews.inf.br | Hermann Platzen - platzen70@t-online.de
Thus, it is necessary to have a high quality of performance, since it is a matter of which no field has been obtained and it refers, among other characteristics, to the ability to originate a new plant, to the extent or performance of obtaining the treatment of seeds, mainly referring to the capacity of Overcoming adverse conditions due to seeding. Neste senNdo, or Brazil treats more than 90% of soybeans, milho e algodão, more than 70% for wheat and more than 50% for rice, this is for the main cultures of the country. Vários são os produtos uNlized for or treatment of seeds, such as biologics, fungicides, inseNcida, nemaNcidos, rooting, micronutrients, polymers, among others, depending on the farmer's desire. Assim, or sementes treatment deserves special attention because of it or that semente can carry out no moment of seamuration, being as principalis to dosage of product, compatibility between products, liberation of po, coverage of semente and operational-environmental security. In this sense, the association of two producers of seeds from Mato Grosso (Aprosmat) conducted a project to diagnose the situation of soybean crops in their state, in terms of taxa of use and quality of process.
Or was
A methodology of the study consisted of taken from samples of lots of crops that the farmer was using to use in his fields of production of grain, being carried out by a outsourced company with knowledge of the area, total number of 147 samples, expanding or been in the country, and whose intensity was in the function of the area covered by the municipality. As far as the evaluations are concerned, these consist of an analysis of principles of insecticide and fungicide present in the past (via HPLC) and visual assessment of the recovery of the seeds. Picture The results will show that about 20% of the samples were from industrial treatment (TIS) of a producer of seeds, whereas about 80% of the samples were from the “On Farm” Treatment (TOF - that carried out on the farmer's farm). This percentage of TIS not MT is one of the two lowest in the country, since the South region stands out, with about 40% of adoção. The benefits of TIS são vários, such as: precision of dosagem, uniform coverage of sementes, fluidity of sementes, test of broths, accentuated reduction of time, economy of time, reduction of cliff for human and environmental health, among others. On the other hand, as reported by two farmers, the justices for or use of the TOF are only related to the need to add inoculant or to other products just before harvesting, with the possibility of less treatment and less custody. Currently, as an inoculant development, long life (45 days), it can be obtained with TIS at the time of performing the harvest; On the other hand, the situation of placing various products does not undergo treatment for testing the resulting broth, or that is carried out in a non-TIS manner. In relation to seeds, they can also be used as TOF, being an element of management of the need for seeds for seed. Aspects of custody and reliability of process (understand dosage) need also be considered to increase or TIS. In connection with the analysis of two different principles, two fungicides and insecticides present in each case, this showed a great variation in samples from TOF. Considering a recommended dosage of 100 ml of product per 100 kg of seeds, there is a variation of 15 ml at 380ml / 100kg, since 68% you give are between 50 and 150ml / 100kg. Outras, more than 30% dasmostras, we found below and above these dosages. On the other hand, the analysis of two new ingredients from TIS will vary from 80 to 120ml / 100kg of seeds, in that 95% you give to samples found 87 to 113ml of product per 100 kg of seeds (figure not text). The results really show that TIS is produced per 100 kg of seeds (figure not text). The results really show that either TIS is a dominated process, involving equipment, products and people that no farmer can trust. A visual assessment of the seeds with TIS confirms that the coverage of the seeds was uniform and there was no residue detachment, so many seeds from the TOF or cover were not uniform and there was a residue detachment. This analysis shows that, in addition to the TOF, it does not provide a uniform treatment of seeds, it is also friendly with the environment. The results of the study indicate that either TIS provides more benefits for the farmer or the environment than the TOF, indicating that the current taxation of adoration of TIS will not be able to increase substantially, since the farmer has convicted two benefits. In this sense, the results of this APROSMAT study collaborated in a marked way. Finally, ideal results obtained and analyzed in an outsourced way avoid the conflict of interests, being able to help in the adoption of technologies. Next, some aspects of the treatment process will be discussed:
1 - Or industrial treatment
The TIS consists of three pillars: o equipment, to product line to be veiculated by the operator. In relation to equipment, these possibilities include products incorporated into the recommended dosage, with very little variation between the seeds and in a uniform way (as can be seen, it was not studied by Aprosmat). Also, to meet different demands, it has equipments with capacities ranging from kg / h to t / h, this characteristic being convenient for a distribution distribution logistics at the time of harvest. At the same time, for its time, it can be maintained by several products, with different chemical and physical properties and, at the same time, mistreated, they can present inconvenience of consistency, affection or recovery process. Neste senNdo, es esencial that a calda seja tested before the operação de tramento das sementes, or that is contemplated not TIS. A professional qualification of the staff involved as equipment and calda requires special attention, as it can be verified by the training centers raised by the equipment and product companies. No Brazil, there are about 10 highly structured centers for training of people who work with sementes. Or firstly, he is practically 10 years on loan.
2 - TIS use chart
Or the Aprosmat study shows that a tax of use of TIS, not MT, with about 20% for soybean crops, can be increased, as in other states of the country, as a national medium of TIS and less than 30%. It is evident that TIS has brought great benefits to the farmer, meanwhile his distribution logistics 60 days before harvesting, a huge range of products that can be sold to crops and left over from crops, which are inconvenient to working hard. Assim, esNma-se that hair less 50% das sementes de soy pode, com facilidad, be com or TIS not time da semimidation. There is a commercial aspect involving aspects such as tradition, mistrust, economy and foundation, which are not the context for or increase in the taxation of TIS.
3 - Dosagem e aderência
The aspect of dosing two chemical products deserves special attention, for example, or TOF, it is practically not possible to apply it at the recommended dosage of the product, and it is a BIG DISADVANTAGE. A subdosagem não terá or expected effect to increase or performance das sementes, as a superdosagem can entail em physiological damage to sementes (several evidenced work)
Our observed results were not studied, more than 151TP1 days with TOF were presented more than once and at the recommended dosage at the beginning of the year. This greatness affects qualidade das sementes. It is essential that chemical products veiculated with seeds not only be tied to germination but also for products added to heat, minimizing the release of residues to or from the environment. Either TIS contemplates this process, enquanto o TOF nem always contemplates this important characteristic.
Neste senNdo, it is recorded that in 2008, in Alemanha, we had a great mortality of abelhas due to liberation of the po from the semente treatment.
4 - Fluency of seeds
The event of the establishment of a culture, as previously recorded, passes the quality of the treatment it receives. This way, it must be alive, strong and protected for biotic and foreign fatigue, but it must also be compared to a certain density pre-established and distributed not only uniformly. This path, or seed treatment, has an important function for preparing seeds in such a way that it has a consistent fluidity with distribution. As sementes não devem to slide demais, pois oorremente double and triple sementes, and nem at least, pois will affect a density of seedling. Any kind of situation will affect produNvidade do culNvo. In summary, the treatment of seeds must be tested before seeding, in relation to various isico-chemical aspects.
5 - As opções do agricultor
Or the farmer is free to escort you gently and he will go away. In case you want a treatment of seeds, it is recommended that you decide in advance if you want to use the services of a TIS. Considering that practically 50% of the needs of non-Brazil soybeans were marketed before the month of April, by the time they started in September, this means that the farmer can also make this decision in relation to his seed treatment, obtaining from a single source softly treated. Decising a decision for the last hour, provavemente não terá um TIS. Another aspect to be considered not a matter of seeds is that, happily, there have been several biological and chemical products of proven efficiency at the disposal of the farmer, meanwhile, the compatibility of two products must be observed at a certain time. Or the farmer fears the option of choosing a variety to be used, as a treatment to be used, however, it is not important that it becomes a decision a few months before the harvest, because it is not in the context of knowing what is going on. of seeds as a waste treatment. It is known that the distribution of sementes hairs produtores é uma war operation.
Situation in Germany
Alemanha treats more than 70% of his seeds as TIS and pouco mais of 20% as TOF. In the meantime, however, farmers who harvest or TOF must use procedures to minimize the release of treated seeds (less than 4g / 100kg or 2-5g IA / ha). Apó o acidente com as abelhas em 2008, involving the liberation of all treated crops, the producers of crops, the chemical industry and the government authorities agreed to add a scheme of security for crops of milho, beterraba and colza. in development. Assim, as of 2011, has a procedure for the TIS, which is voluntary; In the meantime, he has pressed for compulsory membership in credentialed treatment centers. The producers of seeds also distribute a pamphlet about the care of the sere observed with the treatment treated from the origin of the treatment, passing through the transport, resale, headquarters of the farmer and seeding. Comment Submit high quality crops with treatment of crops suitable for guaranteeing or high performance of the treatment, observing the safety of the operator and the environment. All these precautions to be taken as TIS are only available from non-TOF. There are many occasions when farmers do not have the opportunity for scoling or coating agent to be used in a treatment broth. Summary or treatment of seeds is widely used to increase or perform seeds, using biological and chemical products for these purposes. The most popular products are: fungicides, insecticides, nemacids, inoculants, rooting agents, micronutrients and polymers. fungicides, inse8cida, nema8cida, inoculants, rooting, micronutrients and polymers. All these products have a recommended dosage, which should be considered not a time for treatment. This sense, to Aprosmat carried out a study not at the moment of simulation as an object of verifying the quality of the treatment of seeds when carried out in an industrial way (TIS) ou na fazenda (TOF).
The results will indicate that:
1 - No TIS, 95% gives samples to be found close to the recommended dosagem (± 13g / 100kg), as far as no TOF, 67% gives shows that they have 50 ml of product to most or less than the recommended 100ml per 100kg of sementes;
2 - Assements originating from TOF tend to present more coverage;
3 - about 20% two farmers u8lizam or TIS, on the other hand 80% u8lizam or TOF.